Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. The mentor may be older or younger than the person being mentored, but she or he must have a certain area of expertise.
Partnership programs give people who don't have many life options hope for a better future
Mentoring builds everyone's self-esteem.
The knowledge and alternatives gained through a partnership program allow teens and adults to explore different career possibilities not often available in a classroom or work setting.
Mentor programs break down stereotypes surrounding certain professions and populations.
Mentor relationships promote awareness of a community's diversity.
Partnerships build teamwork, whether learning occurs in school or on the job.
Partnership programs provide great publicity for the mentor, who can show off her experience, and for the protégé, who can show off her new, marketable skills.
Ages 16-17 years old to participate
No cost--the program is free
One on one mentoring
Group mentoring activities once a month
4 hours per month with a mentor
Goal setting
Financial literacy
Special programming and more